
Hi there. I’m an immunology PhD student who is repeatedly disappointed by the amount of mis-information about the immune system on the web. I started this blog not to talk about myself or any ‘deep musings’ but instead to try and to my bit to inform the general public.

I love immunology, and I love explaining concepts – especially given how often you learn new things when explaining them to others – and I love the feeling when suddenly it all makes sense, and you get that click, followed by a sudden rush of understanding and appreciation – the joy of learning.

I’m going to try and do my best to take what I’ve learned over the last several years, with the help of the scientific literature, to explain to you, the reader, how the immune system works in as accessible language as possible, using examples and visual cues.

If at any point something I’ve discussed is unclear, let me know, and I’ll re-work it until it’s understandable. Immunology is relevant to all our lives, and shouldn’t just be for those who spend all day in the labs and know the jargon like it’s their native tongue. I’ll also do my best to try and explain new findings developments in immunology.

I began with a series of articles called Introduction to the immune system, but my busy lab schedule and butting heads with anti-vaccination groups has lead to this blog being largely dominated by refutations to anti-vaccination claims.

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